Photograph by Philip Charles photography
UK based Christian author of
The Best Journey Ever:
A Simple Guide Through Christianity
"Life is a journey of choices"
- P L Bennett
Having dealt with many challenges on her Christian journey, coming to the Lord at the age of nineteen, then spending some twenty five years back in the world; Patricia strives to help others understand their journey. She has a passion for spreading the Word of God and offering help and advice to anyone struggling with their Christian Faith, those who are seeking to understand Christianity and the many Christians who have walked away from the Lord and are trying to find their way back.
Her writings are reflective and aid the reader in their spiritual growth and understanding of their Faith. She provides simple answers to the fundamental questions.
Being an avid student of the Holy Bible, Patricia enjoys learning about life in Bible times especially when Jesus walked the earth and the age of the Apostles. She is an active member in her church and enjoys organising events which encourages people to unite, work together and show each other love.